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Release notes

Release notes

Liberty 2.18.1 (9713)

3rd March 2025

New features

  • None


  • None

Error corrections

  • Fixed some issues with uSD card writes resulting in an undesired log events during the dive (issue present only in version 2.18.0).

Liberty 2.18.0

New features

  • Stack timer can be reset to specific value (when exchanging scrubbers between two Liberty CCRs).
  • Short press to adjust, hold to reset to zero.
  • Prebreath timer added to ODA.
  • Automatic return to “home divescreen” after set time, setup for each handset individually in “Setup / Preferences / Display / Home scr.”.
  • Added support for pressure sensor modules #7294-xxxx.
  • Alarm messages got BIG when configured BIG menu font in “Setup / Preferences / Display / Menu highlight -> All”.
  • Optional persistent alarm messages waiting for confirmation by a button press, setup in “Setup / Alarms / Confirm alarms”.
  • Predive loop pressure checks - added warning screen when reference pressure looks not right, eg. leaving Liberty in the pressure test mode and forgetting about it.


  • Surface menu streamlining, see below.
  • Displayed setpoint always shows the real achievable value, eg. limited by shallow depth, which is used for regulation.
  • HW 2.x Air integration pressure alarms setting in “Setup / Alarms / Alarm sources / Air integr.” expanded to Off / Low pressure only / Low pressure + no communication.

Error corrections

  • Fixed the “BO RMT expired” alarm when BoCCR mode enabled.

Menu streamlining
The surface menu has been streamlined for better clarity and easier access. - “Predive” moved under the “Dive” menu - Removed whole “Turn Off” sub-menu.

Liberty 2.17.4 (9384)

13th June 2024

New features

  • “One Handset” mode - hiding irrelevant menu options when using only one handset (eg. sidemount), see below.


  • Oxygen cell test - added check for Air and warning at the beginning of the process if the oxygen sensors show higher oxygen content from the start.
  • System log - automatic compression of repeating identical records.
  • HW 2.x More precise metabolic consumption calculated from oxygen cylinder pressure change during the dive, instead of solenoid injected volume.
  • HW 2.x Log book / Gas list - added cylinder start and end pressure.
  • HW 2.x Significant improvement in FW upload speed over the Bluetooth for future updates.
  • HW 2.x Added GPS coordinates in log of a surfacing position.

Error corrections

  • Minor UI fix in Predive check / Pressure texts - the “OK”.
  • Ascent plan recalculated immediately after any change in “Setup / Mixtures” in dive, eg. mixture disable/enable.
  • Fixed dive start time 2x shift by the timezone on the “profile” dive screen.
  • Fixed missing pressure transmitter low battery pressure warning with “Cyl. press” set to “NUM"

Single Handset mode
Setting “Surface Menu / Setup / Preferences / Controls & Build / Handsets” -> 1 enables “Single Handset mode”. This affects: Predive Check / Topology screen - communication test to the second handset is not present. Water temperature warning on dive screen is supressed (exclamation mark), since the water temperature sensor is located in the handset. Shutdown sub-menu is replaced by direct shutdown action.

Liberty 2.17.3

New features

  • Enhanced menu readability when set “Setup / Preferences / Display / Menu highlight -> All”
  • Italian and Croatian languages


  • None

Error corrections

  • Various ODA compass and stability patches.
  • Fixed some overflowing texts in Menu / Setup / Display and more.
  • Fixed shallow stop display in transition from nodeco -> deco.

Liberty 2.17.2

9th November 2023


  • (HW 2.X) ODA compass indication when using last known (saved) calibration or mediocre quality (white line below a value), the line disappears once the calibration reaches “perfect” status, eg. after rotating in full circle.

Error corrections

  • (HW 2.X) ODA compass performance corrected from update 2.17.1.
  • Minor UI fixes on Helium calibration screen.
  • Workaround for a rare spurrious configuration reset.

Liberty 2.17.1 (8865)

21st September 2023


  • Surface interval and oxygen calibration age will not be affected when manually adjusting local time.
  • (HW 2.X) Removed humidity measuring due to unsatisfactory results.

Error corrections

  • Fixed handset display not being erased after starting or ending a dive with a screen turned off.
  • HUD brightness setting is available in all hardware configurations, not just ODA users.
  • Fixed inability to exit application “O2 cell tester” with handset HW rev. 4.x.
  • (HW 2.X) Fixed USB Mass Storage mode, storage not showing after connecting to PC (regression from 2.17.0).
  • (HW 2.X) ODA fixed vertical speed indicator randomly indicating up and down speeds even when diver keeps current depth.
  • (HW 2.X) Fixed ODA irregular or no indication of charging in sleep.
  • (HW 2.X) Adjusted helium measure signal limits.
  • (HW 2.X) ODA (HW 1.1) compass calibration persistence improved.

Surface interval and Oxygen calibration date timekeeping

Prior to this FW version, the surface interval and oxygen calibration date and age was referenced to the current time. This means adjusting the local time on the Liberty led to a jump in surface interval time, rendering it totally misleading, similarly for oxygen calibration age. Now, the surface interval (and oxygen calibration age) will not be affected by time change - eg. adjusting the Liberty time between two dives. However, if you remove the battery jumpers when storing the Liberty for a prolonged period, the internal real time clock will eventually stop. This happens after more than two days with the jumpers removed. After that, the time will not increment anymore and the surface time / oxygen calibration age will not be incremented as well. Keep this in mind that these values can be inaccurate if you remove jumpers for storage. This primarily only applies for Liberty units that are pre 2021Edition (HW 1.X). There is no need to remove jumpers anymore for storing the Liberty 2021Edition as it uses 50% of battery capacity even after half a year in storage.

Liberty 2.17.0 (8641)

19th June 2023

New Features

  • Language localization, EN/CZ/DE/FR/SP
  • Handset button malfunction detection on power-on.
  • Compass declination settings at Setup / Preferences / Time & GPS / Declination.
  • Erase any logs you wish, see the Logbook dive sub-menu.
  • (HW 2.X) Battery charging time-to-full estimation.


  • Improved logging of handset cable malfunctions.
  • Removed apostrophe behind a time (as a minute symbol) for imperial units, to avoid confusion with feet.
  • Removed descent setpoint timeout and other premature cancellation events, the descent SP ends now only after reaching a SP Low value.
  • (HW 2.X) Improved firmware update finalization speed - the phase after bluetooth upload.

Error corrections

  • Fixed rare glitch on startup “topology” screen where a second HS would overwrite the other CU.
  • Fixed END calculation - oxygen not narcotic equation.
  • (HW 2.X) Fixed Bluetooth client name not being erased after DivesoftApp/DivesoftCenter disconnecting.
  • Fixed random wakeup from standby mode when using older pressure sensors.
  • (HW 2.X) Patch for initialization of defective uSD card(s).
  • (HW 2.X) Increased solenoid min injection time from 20 to 30ms in cold conditions (based on accumulated data).
  • (HW 2.X) ODA power-up bugfix.

Liberty 2.16.4 (8224)

13th December 2022

New features

  • None


  • None

Error corrections

  • (HW 2.X) Fixed helium measure and calibration with overly sensitive microphones (broken in 2.15.0)
  • (HW 2.X) Fixed uSD card initialization sequence taking a very long time.

Liberty 2.16.3 (8283)

1st November 2022

New features

  • (HW 2.X) ODA update in progress is indicated on handset surface screen.


  • (HW 2.X) AI cylinder pressures graphs divided by rule of thirds.
  • Helium measurement is now invalid when difference between sensors exceeds 20% of He fraction.

Error corrections

  • (HW 2.X) Fixed the Gas consumption screen (after introducing the OC pressures in 2.16.1).
  • (HW 2.X) Fixed mismatched AI cylinder pressure alarm messages (after introducing the OC pressures in 2.16.1).
  • (HW 2.X) Fixed BoCCR BORMT always showing a "Batt 0'" (introduced in 2.16.0)

Liberty 2.16.2 (8037)

6th October 2022

New features

  • None


  • None

Error corrections

  • Fixed compass screen showing in dive mode even without ODA connected.
  • Fixed OTA update for HS rev. 4.0.

Liberty 2.16.1 (8022)

5th October 2022

New features

  • Air integration support for OC bailout gases, setup in Mixtures/OC, view in DIR screen.
  • "Bailout MOD exceeded" alarm for default OC mix.
  • Warning when you set GF low > high.
  • FW support for HS rev. 4.0 and ODA rev. 1.1.


  • BORMT calculation and planner now uses real pressure read from AI transmitter, IF your bailout cylinder has a transmitter and is in range.

Error corrections

  • Fixed potential instability caused by 100+logs (introduced in 2.15.X).

Liberty 2.16.0 (7921)

12th August 2022

New features

  • FW support for CU HW rev. 2.1


  • None

Error corrections

  • None

Liberty 2.15.2 (7898)

1st August 2022

New features

  • None


  • None

Error corrections

(HW 2.X) Fixed deco calculation issue for time-travellers, see below.

RELEASE NOTES update: Replaced initial marking "HW 1.5" with "HW 2.X" to reflect real CU numbering in System Check / HW revision.

Time travellers issue - applies to Liberty 2.15.0 FW only In an extremely rare case, after setting a date/time hours different from real time and enabling GPS syncTime. Then if you enter dive mode immediately after powering Liberty on, the decompression calculation may become inaccurate (for one dive only, until power cycled). This situation is indicated by an alarm few minutes after entering the dive mode „CNS Exceeded: 9999“. Fixed in current Liberty FW 2.15.1, no special manipulation needed.

Liberty 2.15.1 (7810)

27th June 2022

New features

  • None


  • None

Error corrections

  • Fixed helium sensor calibration on Liberty 1.0.

Liberty 2.15.0 (7776)

13th June 2022

New features

  • Timezone and daylight saving time setting (Setup / Preferences / Time & GPS / Timezone)
    • Correct timezone setting is essential for GPS synchronization !
    • Use the upper button long press for DST switch, without editing the timezone.
  • Set your Diluent or OC mix as default directly when editing the mixture, use checkbox "Def".
  • (HW 2.X) Optional GPS route logging of 30 minutes prior submerge and 30 minutes after surfacing, see below.
  • (HW 2.X) GPS time synchronization (Setup / Preferences / Time & GPS / GPS syncTime).


  • Low and High ppO2 vibration patterns differentiated (originally 4x short).
    • Low ppO2 alarm vibration pattern changed to 3x short + 1x long "TA-DA-DA-DAAAA".
    • High ppO2 alarm vibration pattern changed to 3x short + 3x fast "TA-DA-DA-D-D-D".
  • Button long press time shortened from 1.5s to 1s.
  • Menu "Setup / Miscellaneous" sorted into "Setup / Preferences" -> "Time & GPS", "Controls & Build", "Units & Misc"
  • Setup / Mixtures / CCR (diluents) are now in descending order by the oxygen content.
  • END calculation switched from "relatice narcotic potential" to more common "nitrogen narcotic" or "oxygen and nitrogen narcotic".
    • Set you preference in "Setup / Preferences / Units & Misc / O2 narcotic Yes / No"
  • Handset startup time improved.
  • Improved user experience for future bluetooth updates (from FW 2.15.0 up).

Error corrections

  • GPS longitude and latitude editor now supports button only mode.
  • Fixed possible disabling of default mixture (OC, CCR) using "reset to default" long press in mixture editor.
  • Fixed CNS (decay) recalculation in standby mode.
  • Various UI fixes, especially values refresh on Predive screen.
  • Battery percentage - multiple point discharge curve implemented, resulting in more realistic calculations.
  • (HW 1.0) Standby mode power consumption optimization, resulting in 30% increase of available stand-by time.
  • (HW 2.X) ODA - fixed loop ppO2 display in OC mode.
  • (HW 2.X) GPS time-to-fix improved, especially when travelling with the Liberty.
  • (HW 2.X) Battery runtime approximation corrected according to Liberty 2021 specifications.
  • The algorithm takes into account currently connected devices - HS or ODA.

Liberty 2021 runtimes

HS and ODA connected at the same side: 35h Only HS or ODA connected: 45h Control unit without HS nor ODA, eg. one side of sidemount configuration with traditional HUD: 90h These numbers are measured in dive mode, at 15°C / 59°F, with HS/ODA display brightness level 7. Take these numbers as tentative only, especially If you dive in winter, frequently use higher brightness, or have old batteries (>3 years).

GPS log (HW 1.5 only)

Possible to enable or disable logging in "Setup / Preferences / Time & GPS / GPS log2SD". When set to "DiveDay" Liberty will hold last 60 minutes of position coordinates in short-term memory (lost after switching off). After the dive - at the moment you end the dive-mode, Liberty will save last 60 minutes onto an SD card. So the saved route contains approximately 30 minutes prior submersion and 30 minutes after surfacing. The log contains a point every 20 seconds, with HDOP in description, and submerge and surface points colorized. Resulting .kml logs are located on the SD card, next to the dive logs (Liberty / logs / ...). The .kml log is possible to import into google maps:

Liberty 2.14.4 (7511)

8th February 2022

New features

  • None


  • None

Error corrections

  • Added support for higher capacity uSD cards (>16GB)

Liberty 2.14.3 (7415)

8th December 2021

New features

  • User configurable date format, see "Setup / Miscellaneous / Date format"
  • Optional no-tilt editor, using buttons only (Setup / Preferences / Controls / Editor nav.).
  • Added an editable "deco" setpoint, including automatic switch after a time or at depth during ascent.
  • Added optional automatic switch to Descent SP on surfacing (eg. sump diving) (Setup / Setpoints / Use descent SP -> On+Sfc)
  • Added a "GUE" dive screen.
  • (HW 2.X) Liberty will ask for time on cold start - after multiple days without battery jumpers.


  • Changed setpoint shortcuts - holding upper button on HS now cycles through SP list UP, and lower button cycles DOWN.
  • O2 calibration notification range adjusted to max 5 days (Setup / Calibration / Recomm. days).
  • (HW 2.X) ODA power consumption optimalization.
  • (HW 2.X) Humidity display and limits adjusted according to factory thresholds.

Error corrections

  • Fixed BD/HUD/ODA indication when charging.
  • Fixed an average depth glitch in "Profile" dive-screen, where in decompression was displayed "average ceiling" depth instead.
  • Fixed unwanted behavior with all oc mixtures disabled.
  • Corrected Low ppO2 alarm limit in mCCR mode from fixed 0.18bar to configurable (Setup / Alarms / Alarm sources / Min pO2)

Liberty 2.14.2 (7271)

29th September 2021


  • Applications menu rearranged, Bluetooth moved to the top - below the ManOverBoard.

Error corrections

  • (HW 2.X) Fixed helium measure glitch present on some helium sensors.
  • (HW 2.X) Increased log download speed over the Bluetooth.
  • ODA fixed the loop ppO2 display in "Bailout standby CCR" mode.

Liberty 2.14.1 (7202)

26th August 2021


  • TTS displays minutes only when deco-stop rounding set to 60s (Setup / Decompression / Planner setup / Rounding)
  • Removed Compass from calibration menu, ODA manages calibration automatically.
  • Moved pop-up alarms from middle of the screen to lower-middle, where it is generally less obstructing (depth and other values).
  • (HW 2.X) ODA removed setpoint value from mCCR and OC mode.

Error corrections

  • (HW 2.X) Fixed divelog download using BLE

Liberty 2.14.0 (7183)

18th August 2021

New features

  • (HW 2.X) BLE firmware update - see the support page for user guide and troubleshooting.
  • (HW 2.X) ODA added to startup screen (when connected).
  • (HW 2.X) ODA shows humidity on surface screen, and in dive when exceeding threshold.
  • (HW 2.X) ODA (surface only) shows a selftest screen in case of a partial failure (compass, CU connection, humidity, etc.).


  • Changed deco algorithm to Buhlmann ZH-L16C (more conservative than "ZH-L16B"), possible to switch in "Setup / Decompression / Deco model"
  • Changed cylinder setup in imperial system, to use nominal fill capacity (eg. 80cuft 3000psi).
  • Removed "Max pO2 bottom" which was used only when doing whole dive on OC, which makes no sense on CCR.
  • Analyzer App - "Nitrox only" mode when using blind-plugs instead of He sensors.
  • (HW 2.X) General stability improvements of system and bluetooth communication.

Error corrections

  • Fixed unwanted behavior upon draining one of the batteries in dive mode.
  • Fixed occasional settings not being saved, especially when switching off without navigating to surface screen and back to menu.
  • Fixed descent/ascent speed alarms in DEMO dives.
  • (HW 2.X) Fixed slow charging using USB current limit even when charging from a wall adapter.
  • (HW 2.X) Bluetooth connection stability fix.
  • (HW 2.X) Tweaked the humidity threshold to respect the surface base line.

Liberty 2.13.1 (6940)

3rd June 2021

New features

  • (HW 2.X) Alarm "high humidity in electronics compartment", eg. "Humidity CU L 66%"
  • (HW 2.X) ODA support


  • (HW 2.X) BLE screen shows additional data

Error corrections

  • (HW 2.X) Fixed GPS power management.
  • (HW 2.X) Increased reliability and range of air integration with TFT handsets

Liberty 2.13.0 (6605)

5th February 2021

New features

  • HS lower button long press in menu will step one line up (backwards).
  • Descent SP re-enable is accessible in dive mode, from setpoint menu, see below.
  • (HW 2.X) Solenoid failure detection, on a 3 consecutive failed attempts to inject oxygen, Liberty generates a pop-up warning.
  • (HW 2.X) BLE dive log download, mode is accessible from "Applications / BLE".
  • (HW 2.X) Air Integration - cylinder bottle pressure measuring using wireless transmitters, see below.
  • (HW 2.X) Added screen to pre-dive check, for analyzing IP and HP leaks.
  • (HW 2.X) Humidity in electronics compartment is visible in a "System Check".


  • Improved mode for helium blind-plugs, see below. Surface menu timeout prolonged to infinity, behavior in dive stays unaffected.
  • The "Bailout standby CCR" mode can be only switched to from another dive mode, to avoid starting the unit straight into CCR Standby without proper pre-dive check.
  • Indication of long press available in menu by "dual confirmation" symbol, go check out "Setup / Mixtures / CCR" you will know when you see it.
  • Dive planner - improved contrast and readability of warnings and alarms.

Error corrections

  • The CU solenoid click when starting up is disabled under water.
  • Ascent plan calculation continues on the surface, for reference in case of surfacing before clearing the decompression obligation.
  • (HW 2.X) Improved detection of flooded HS connector with seawater, which were causing unintended wake-up.

Descent SP re-enable
This option is available only at shallower depth than where would automatic switch to low setpoint occur. Mind that the descent setpoint increases by 0.2bar every 10m.


  • SP Descent ... 0.4bar (at surface level)
  • SP Low ... 1.2bar
  • Depth of descent SP reaching the SP Low = ((SP_low - SP_desc) / 2) 100 = (SP_low - SP_desc) 50
  • ((1.2 - 0.4) / 2) 100 = (0.8 / 2) 100 = 0.4 * 100 = 40 m

Solenoid failure detection (HW 1.5 only)
Liberty CU HW 1.5 is capable of detecting seized, stuck or disconnected solenoid, based on measurement of the solenoid coil. Upon 3 consecutive failed attempts to inject oxygen, the Liberty will show a pop-up warning that a solenoid has likely failed. It is upon diver to evaluate the situation and manually disable the solenoid in "Faulty sensors" menu. Failed solenoid is also indicated in pre-dive menu, on the solenoid screen by yellow exclamation mark instead of standart cross.

Air integration (HW 1.5 only)
Liberty CU HW 1.5 is compatible with wireless pressure transmitters from Pelagic / Aqua Lung / Shearwater manufacturers.

Transmitter installation:

  • Recommended transmitter installation on backmount configuration is using 90degree elbows on second HP port on the 1st stage.
  • Then orient the Oxy and Dil transmitters parallel with each other pointing to the other 1st stage respectively.
  • Leave cca 1cm gap between the transmitters, insert some spacer between them and fixate the transmitters in this position, for example using thin bungee to keep them together.
  • Short signal outages are possible, although when you fine-tune the orientation, you should have an uninterrupted reception. If using two transmitters, using different colors are advised.

Liberty set-up:
1. If possible, pressurize both transmitters to speed up the setup process.
2. Enter the "Setup / Wireless", turn the "Air integr." ON.
3. Setup the Oxygen and Dil transmitter serial numbers, or choose from the list, if visible and in range.
4. Setup cylinder volume and fill pressure, the fill pressure is used as a max in pressure graphic display.


  • To confirm the reception, check the "technical screen" on the surface, the received pressures should be right under oxygen sensor voltages.
  • You have few display options of the tank pressure in dive, for each HS individually configurable.
  • In surface menu "Setup / Preferences / Display / Tank press." or in dive menu "Setup / Display / Tank press.".
  • "Num." ... replaces real time clock and CNS value on main dive screen with Oxygen and Dil pressures, when they are in range.
  • "Graph" ... replaces solenoid symbols in lower bottom corners of the main dive screen with pressure as a bar-graph, and big graphs with numeric pressure value on synoptic screen.
    • The graph is separated into segments, 50bar each.
  • "All" ... combination of "Num" and "Graph" together.


  • With Air integration enabled, the pre-dive will be extended by a step "IP pressures", which serves as an early "bubble check".
  • When you fully open and close cylinder valves, the Liberty shows maximal pressure, and minimal.
  • If the pressure drop is less than 2bars after the minute than you are likely OK.


  • Pressure below set threshold in "Setup / Mixtures / End pressure".
  • Signal lost, after 60sec from last valid pressure packet received.
  • After 90s the pressure value displayed is dashed out.
  • Alarms can be disabled in "Setup / Alarms / Alarm sources / Air integr."
  • BO CCR BORMT value calculates with a current pressure of the oxygen.

Liberty 2.12.1 (6741)

26th March 2021

New features

  • GF and bailout GF is now visible on page 5 of the dive start checklist.
  • Switch to descent setpoint in dive, in case your descent SP timeouted when waiting for a buddy etc.


  • Excluded "Bailout stby (CCR)" mode from start dive on the surface, since bailout CCR needs to be pre-breathed as well. In CCR standby mode the automatic oxygen addition is disabled, so it would be unsafe to pre-breath the unit in this mode.
  • BO RMT changes when BO CCR functions enabled (see below)
  • Bootloader is not accessible from sleep mode, to prevent spurious restarts with flooded HS connector. Turn the Liberty on, or remove jumper before updating your FW.

Error corrections

  • Fixed unwanted behavior when set GF low > GF high
  • Fixed solenoid staying excluded even when other CU comes back online.
  • Fixed inability to disable first diluent with BoCCR functions turned off.

BO RMT changes in Bailout CCR mode

When bailout CCR options enabled in "Setup / Miscellaneous / BOCCR settings", the original OC bailout remaining time calculation makes no sense. So in bailout CCR mode, the "turnaround time" or "BO RMT" is calculated in the "Standby CCR" mode only. On the (main) unit switched to CCR mode, "BO RMT" on the TTS screen shows static text only - "Check BO CCR". And the turnaround time is calculated on the "bailout" unit, visible on the sensors screen, instead of a indirect ppO2. Once you switch your bailout unit from standby to full CCR mode, the sensors screen will show the indirect ppO2 as usual. And the "BO RMT" on the TTS screen will read "Check BO CCR", since the unit you are breathing at the moment is "main", and the other is in the "bailout" role. The bailout CCR remaining time is calculated from: stack time, CNS and battery level, including the necessary ascent time. So if you have set stack time notification to 4h, and you are 1h in the dive, with TTS of 2h, beginning your ascent, the BO RMT will read 1h. That is if your stack time is the limiting factor and not for example the CNS. If you use tank pressure transmitters, then the oxygen pressure is also evaluated. If there is enough oxygen for the ascent and decompression, using metabolic rate of 1.6l/min. The diluent pressure is only checked for whether is not lower than set limit (eg. too deep descent with little diluent in cylinder).

Liberty 2.12.0 (5662)

3rd December 2019


  • This update is not compatible with handset (HS) bootloader version <3.6 (year of manufacture 2015 and older) !
  • If your HS keeps restarting after updating to FW 2.12, then you have old bootloader version
  • Detailed instructions how to update, are attached in the zip with the rest of FW.
  • You can see the bootloader version immediately after connecting the battery jumpers, before the topology screen comes on.
    • If you see only a red Divesoft logo, you are A OK (version >3.10)
  • In any other case you should see few lines of text, on the first one is bootloader version.

New features

  • Configurable lower button function, see below.
  • Switchable HUD signalization as a relative deviation from current setpoint, see below.
  • Ascent plan as a dive screen (disabled, enabled, deco only).
  • O2 cell tester menu - calibrate O2 cells directly after test, and release IP pressure using solenoid.
  • Atmospheric pressure calibration, on units without fine pressure sensors only (marked "F").
  • Inclinometer application (new horizontal calibration is necessary before first use)
  • Option to calculate TTS and ascent with current SP instead of high SP (Setup / Decompression / Planner / Ascent SP High, Current)
  • Helium blind plugs support


  • Decompression algorithm update, see below.
  • Helium sensor calibration tries alternate presets where default does not suffice.
  • Above stop alarm is now progressive (OC only).
  • END value is calculated for MOD depth
  • High ppO2 limit is split to bottom and deco settings, see below (OC only).
  • Bailout CCR options are hidden by default, enable them in Miscellaneous.
  • With BoCCR enabled - the first row in dive menu is CCR standby (instead of OC bailout).
  • Improved menu and editor graphics, option to draw all menu in bigger font (... Display / Menu highlight None, Curr., All)
  • Sensor excluded alarm rephrased to show sensor number as well, for example "Oxygen #2 excluded"
  • Bigger range of HUD brightness setting (dive only). New setting is needed.

Error corrections

  • Exclamation mark next to temperature (when using only one handset) can be hidden by setting sidemount configuration (... Miscellaneous / Configuration" Back, Side)
  • Fixed logbook scrolling at the beginning and at the end of the list.
  • Fixed GPS module causing unwanted behavior.
  • Fixed lost gas alarm after switching from CCR to OC and back.
  • Fixed occasional surface time not displayed.
  • Editor now prolongates the idle timeout (especially when charging).
  • Minor graphics corrections.
  • Fixed possible ceiling graph rendering glitch in dives longer than 90'.
  • Re-enabled low ppO2 alarm pop-up in dive mode menu.
  • Fixed brightness setting lost after restart

Decompression algorithm update

Prolonged no-deco times, now reflect true no-stop times.
Improved transition to deco mode, eliminated stop at 0m 0s.
Better planning with GF Low lower than 30%.

If you are unsure about GF setting, consult your diving instructor.

Helium sensor calibration
Helium sensor calibration has now multiple presets for the He sensor.
If the algorithm detects an out of range value ("Too low" message), it automatically switches to the next preset. Before starting the calibration, you can also cycle between the presets manually using lower button, although this should not be necessary as the best setting is chosen automatically.
Just wait until you see stable values, then start the calibration.

ppO2 limits
High ppO2 deco - used in CCR modes, in OC if off-gassing has already started (depth < decompression zone start).
High ppO2 bottom - used in OC dives at bottom and start of ascent phase.
You can find settings in "Setup / Mixtures / Max pO2 ...".

Above stop alarm
The alarm now has variable delay before triggering an actual haptic and visual warning.
Delay reflects the severity of depth violation (difference of stop depth and actual).
Delay ranges from 3s when 0.4m above stop depth, up to 15s when only 0.1m above.

Lower button function
The default display off function may become unwanted when diving with only one HS.
So the lower button function can be switched to scrolling between dive screens.

Relative HUD signalization
"Setup / Preferences / Indication / HUD ppO2"
The relative signalization uses almost the same signals as the time proven absolute ppO2 signalization.
With these two exceptions:

  • Solid green led - ppO2 is within +/- 0.1bar from the SP
  • Blinking signalizes difference of ppO2 from SP, by 0.1bar for each blink.

Helium blind plugs
When using He blind plugs instead of He sensors, set "Setup / Preferences / He measuring" to "Never". With measuring disabled, the predive check for helium sensors will show "Disabled in preferences" instead of error.

Liberty 2.11.3 (5657)

30th September 2019

Error corrections

  • Fix for unintended wakeup during charging and longer sleep periods.

Liberty 2.11.1 (5225)

12th March 2019

Error corrections

  • Fixed Stack timer stops on surfacing

Liberty 2.11.0 (4787)

12th July 2018

New features

  • Bailout CCR mode, see bellow
  • O2 calibration recorded in syslog
  • Pressure sensors offset calibration (improved accuracy upon fine sensor failure)
  • Solenoids can be disabled (improved pO2 control when one solenoid is broken)
  • Repeated low pO2 alarm, every 0.1 bar bellow limit.
  • Prebreathe timer, see bellow
  • New "Pressure sensors too different" alarm
  • New "Check O2 sensors" alarm, when an excluded sensor reads high pO2
  • Stack timer stops on surfacing (configurable)
  • Multiple users for one device, see bellow
  • HUD brightness in dive modes can be adjusted (3 steps)
  • Planner warns if bottom time is insufficient to get to the planned depth
  • Emergency oxygen injection if all sensors fail in shallow depth, see bellow
  • Emergency solenoid action in Surface mode prolongs shutdown timeout


  • RMV moved to Mixtures menu
  • pO2 and Ceiling alarms are always active
  • pO2 low alarm setting extended up to 1.0 bar
  • Smarter Bailout GF handling, see bellow
  • Improved user interface in O2 calibration
  • Improved brightness setting (TFT handset only)
  • MOD/END values also for diluents
  • Changed order of sensor disabling/enabling (now Normal -> (Excluded) -> Disabled -> Normal)
  • High pO2 alarm generated even from excluded sensors (it can be the only good sensor - it happened!)
  • Minor graphics improvements
  • Backmount/Sidemount configuration option for proper compass orientation
  • Popup alarms use bigger font
  • Smooth display off/on (TFT units only)
  • Improved configuration handling, each change is propagated to all units immediately after editor close.
  • Exit from calibration screens (O2, He) by both buttons
  • Improved compass calibration algorithm
  • He measuring option "Always" dropped.
  • Default automatic shutdown timeout set to 45 minutes
  • Mode change in dive mode moved to submenu (except the most important change in each mode)
  • Emergency pO2 from He measuring must be enabled manually, see bellow
  • All display preferences in dive modes moved to submenu Display (TFT brightness, HUD brightness, screens selection)
  • %He value in technical screen means %He in diluent
  • MOD for diluents uses own formula, ppO2(MOD) <= (ppO2_high - 0.2bar)
  • Alarm "Peer Down" changed to "Other CU down"

Error corrections

  • Compass screen visible if compass module present only
  • Improved unintended wake-up
  • Fixed CU reset on submerge
  • Fixed wrong topology check with single HS

Bailout CCR mode

  • This mode is intended for use Liberty as bailout CCR device, with another CCR used as main device. In this mode the oxygen is not injected, only the loop volume is adjusted by ADV. Decompression model is updated, where ppO2 equal SP is expected. Diluent from the other device must be configured as "2nd device diluent". When fraction O2 in the loop drops below O2 fraction in diluent (i.e. the diver probably breathes from this device), the standard CCR mode is selected automaticaly.

Bailout GF Handling

  • GF handling bound with mode change is now smarter. Mode change CCR -> OC, Bailout GF is selected Mode change OC -> CCR, Standard GF is selected GF manually switched to Bailout GF remains active until manually switched to Standard GF.

Prebreathe timer

  • Setup / Preferences / Timeouts / Prebreathe time min, default 5 min If set nonzero, timer starts count down as a last step in dive check list. This feature is independent whether check list is enabled or not.

Multiple users

  • Feature must be enabled and multiuser capable HS used (licence for HS needed and bootloader version at least 3.10.0) Left handset stores the profile of the user
  • decomodel
  • device configuration One user can use several devices, and/or several users can share one device. Each user have to use its own HS with his profile.

PPO2 from He

  • If all chemical sensors fail in dive mode, an alarm "pO2 measuring lost" is raised. If the diluent contains at least 20% He, it is possible to switch the pO2 source to He measuring. Setup / Faulty sensors / pO2 source, options "O2" or "He". Automatic switch is no longer suppoorted. When the He source is selected, all pO2 fields on handset screens have blue background and "pO2 indirect" message is on the base screen. The pO2 indirect field on the technical screen (with sensors) has always blue background, as it shows "pO2 from He" everytime. The %He field on the technical screen become dashed for both sensors, as %He calculation is invalid in this mode.

Emergency O2 injection

  • If all chemical sensors are not valid (error, disabled etc.), the depth is < 6m/20ft and the pO2 source is O2 sensors, an emergency O2 injection + alarm is done every 6s. In fact, Liberty become an oxygen rebreather (6m / 20ft depth is safe for pure oxygen). This action happens also in Surface mode.

Liberty 2.10.0 (4668)

31th May 2018

This version was not officially released, all changes are made public in next version.

Liberty 2.9.0 (4165)

25th May 2017

New features

  • electronic compass and GPS support


  • He sensors disabled if <20% He in current diluent. Can be enabled manually.
  • improved behavior when no pO2 measuring method available.
  • if no sensor is valid during sensor calibration, the result is not stored and calibration is aborted even if OK button was pressed.
  • no chemical sensor available (i.e only He available) and no sensor at all are indicated on BD (red and flashing red)
  • additional warning at dive start if there is no sensor usable.
  • several default values changed
  • dive time termination configurable (see bellow)
  • both HS wakeup during device start

Error corrections

  • occasional sudden ceiling drop when surface reached

Dive time termination

  • Setup / Preferences / Timeouts / Dive Time
  • Setting "Auto": dive time stops on surface, jumps to current time if the dive continues
  • Setting "Cave": dive time continues regardless of depth
  • Warning: Dive termination setting remains active, if not set to zero.

Liberty 2.8.2 (4097)

1st March 2017

New features

  • support for HS with TFT display

Liberty 2.8.1 (3961)

8th December 2016

New features

  • support for new HW revision of CU board

Liberty 2.8.0 (3890)

1st November 2016

!!! This version resets configuration to factory defaults !!!

New features

  • new screen with various TTS values, see bellow
  • gas consumption in the planner (Bailout mode)
  • OC gases have enhanced configuration - bootle volume (water capacity only) and pressure.
  • OC gas remaining pressure (used for planner warning for not enough gas)
  • SP automatic change, can be configured at given depth (during descent or ascent) (solves both strategy LowSP for descent+bottom, HighSP for ascent and LowSP for descent, HighSP for bottom+ascent)
  • or at a given time.


  • reached depth notification also for ascent (3 points)
  • Oxygen consumption in l/min
  • improved semigraphic editor for several configuration items
  • improved readability of menues (selectable Setup / Preferences / Display / Menu highlight)

Error corrections

  • corrected cell test hang a bit bellow required pressure
  • corrected cell excluded error during cell test

TTS screen details - Items to configure

  • enable TTS screen (Setup / Preferences / Display / Dive mode screens / TTS)
  • reconfigure the bailout gases, set the bottle volume and pressure
  • setup your RMV (Setup / Preferences / RMV)
  • set bottle end pressure (Setup / Mixtures / End Presssure)

TTS screen details - During dive, TTS screen shows several new values

  • BO RMT (Bailout Remaining Time) minutes How long you can stay at current depth until you have enough gas for bailout. (end pressure is taken into account)
  • BO TTS TTS in bailout (OC) mode, using bailouf GF setting
  • TTS (+2) How high will the TTS be after 2 minutes in the current depth
  • TTS (+5) and TTS (+10) The same as above, 5 and 10 minutes in advance

Liberty 2.7.0 (3692)

9th June 2016

New features

  • Oxygen cell tester
  • Bookmarks (in menu Applications)
  • SP/Gas/Diluent change notification


  • Improved communication among units
  • Minor corrections

Error corrections

  • False pressure sensor error notification (yellow ! under 25m)

Liberty 2.6 (3653)

9th May 2016

New features

  • Low pO2 alarm in surface mnode
  • loop pO2 available in bailout (OC) mode


  • Repeated High pO2 alarm, issued every 0.2 bar above limit
  • improved He measuring
  • safer dive start
  • redesigned sensor screen, including diluent pO2
  • improved safety in surface mode
  • improved descent rate alarm
  • lower pressure limit for tightness check

Error corrections

  • forgotten configuration
  • forgotten calibration of accelerometer
  • slow real time in sleep mode