Liberty 2.18.1 (9713)
3rd March 2025
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.18.0
New features
Error corrections
Menu streamlining
The surface menu has been streamlined for better clarity and easier access. - “Predive” moved under the “Dive” menu - Removed whole “Turn Off” sub-menu.
Liberty 2.17.4 (9384)
13th June 2024
New features
Error corrections
Single Handset mode
Setting “Surface Menu / Setup / Preferences / Controls & Build / Handsets” -> 1 enables “Single Handset mode”. This affects: Predive Check / Topology screen - communication test to the second handset is not present. Water temperature warning on dive screen is supressed (exclamation mark), since the water temperature sensor is located in the handset. Shutdown sub-menu is replaced by direct shutdown action.
Liberty 2.17.3
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.17.2
9th November 2023
Error corrections
Liberty 2.17.1 (8865)
21st September 2023
Error corrections
Surface interval and Oxygen calibration date timekeeping
Prior to this FW version, the surface interval and oxygen calibration date and age was referenced to the current time. This means adjusting the local time on the Liberty led to a jump in surface interval time, rendering it totally misleading, similarly for oxygen calibration age. Now, the surface interval (and oxygen calibration age) will not be affected by time change - eg. adjusting the Liberty time between two dives. However, if you remove the battery jumpers when storing the Liberty for a prolonged period, the internal real time clock will eventually stop. This happens after more than two days with the jumpers removed. After that, the time will not increment anymore and the surface time / oxygen calibration age will not be incremented as well. Keep this in mind that these values can be inaccurate if you remove jumpers for storage. This primarily only applies for Liberty units that are pre 2021Edition (HW 1.X). There is no need to remove jumpers anymore for storing the Liberty 2021Edition as it uses 50% of battery capacity even after half a year in storage.
Liberty 2.17.0 (8641)
19th June 2023
New Features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.16.4 (8224)
13th December 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.16.3 (8283)
1st November 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.16.2 (8037)
6th October 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.16.1 (8022)
5th October 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.16.0 (7921)
12th August 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.15.2 (7898)
1st August 2022
New features
Error corrections
(HW 2.X) Fixed deco calculation issue for time-travellers, see below.
RELEASE NOTES update: Replaced initial marking "HW 1.5" with "HW 2.X" to reflect real CU numbering in System Check / HW revision.
Time travellers issue - applies to Liberty 2.15.0 FW only In an extremely rare case, after setting a date/time hours different from real time and enabling GPS syncTime. Then if you enter dive mode immediately after powering Liberty on, the decompression calculation may become inaccurate (for one dive only, until power cycled). This situation is indicated by an alarm few minutes after entering the dive mode „CNS Exceeded: 9999“. Fixed in current Liberty FW 2.15.1, no special manipulation needed.
Liberty 2.15.1 (7810)
27th June 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.15.0 (7776)
13th June 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2021 runtimes
HS and ODA connected at the same side: 35h Only HS or ODA connected: 45h Control unit without HS nor ODA, eg. one side of sidemount configuration with traditional HUD: 90h These numbers are measured in dive mode, at 15°C / 59°F, with HS/ODA display brightness level 7. Take these numbers as tentative only, especially If you dive in winter, frequently use higher brightness, or have old batteries (>3 years).
GPS log (HW 1.5 only)
Possible to enable or disable logging in "Setup / Preferences / Time & GPS / GPS log2SD". When set to "DiveDay" Liberty will hold last 60 minutes of position coordinates in short-term memory (lost after switching off). After the dive - at the moment you end the dive-mode, Liberty will save last 60 minutes onto an SD card. So the saved route contains approximately 30 minutes prior submersion and 30 minutes after surfacing. The log contains a point every 20 seconds, with HDOP in description, and submerge and surface points colorized. Resulting .kml logs are located on the SD card, next to the dive logs (Liberty / logs / ...). The .kml log is possible to import into google maps:
Liberty 2.14.4 (7511)
8th February 2022
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.14.3 (7415)
8th December 2021
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.14.2 (7271)
29th September 2021
Error corrections
Liberty 2.14.1 (7202)
26th August 2021
Error corrections
Liberty 2.14.0 (7183)
18th August 2021
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.13.1 (6940)
3rd June 2021
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.13.0 (6605)
5th February 2021
New features
Error corrections
Descent SP re-enable
This option is available only at shallower depth than where would automatic switch to low setpoint occur. Mind that the descent setpoint increases by 0.2bar every 10m.
Solenoid failure detection (HW 1.5 only)
Liberty CU HW 1.5 is capable of detecting seized, stuck or disconnected solenoid, based on measurement of the solenoid coil. Upon 3 consecutive failed attempts to inject oxygen, the Liberty will show a pop-up warning that a solenoid has likely failed. It is upon diver to evaluate the situation and manually disable the solenoid in "Faulty sensors" menu. Failed solenoid is also indicated in pre-dive menu, on the solenoid screen by yellow exclamation mark instead of standart cross.
Air integration (HW 1.5 only)
Liberty CU HW 1.5 is compatible with wireless pressure transmitters from Pelagic / Aqua Lung / Shearwater manufacturers.
Transmitter installation:
Liberty set-up:
1. If possible, pressurize both transmitters to speed up the setup process.
2. Enter the "Setup / Wireless", turn the "Air integr." ON.
3. Setup the Oxygen and Dil transmitter serial numbers, or choose from the list, if visible and in range.
4. Setup cylinder volume and fill pressure, the fill pressure is used as a max in pressure graphic display.
Liberty 2.12.1 (6741)
26th March 2021
New features
Error corrections
BO RMT changes in Bailout CCR mode
When bailout CCR options enabled in "Setup / Miscellaneous / BOCCR settings", the original OC bailout remaining time calculation makes no sense. So in bailout CCR mode, the "turnaround time" or "BO RMT" is calculated in the "Standby CCR" mode only. On the (main) unit switched to CCR mode, "BO RMT" on the TTS screen shows static text only - "Check BO CCR". And the turnaround time is calculated on the "bailout" unit, visible on the sensors screen, instead of a indirect ppO2. Once you switch your bailout unit from standby to full CCR mode, the sensors screen will show the indirect ppO2 as usual. And the "BO RMT" on the TTS screen will read "Check BO CCR", since the unit you are breathing at the moment is "main", and the other is in the "bailout" role. The bailout CCR remaining time is calculated from: stack time, CNS and battery level, including the necessary ascent time. So if you have set stack time notification to 4h, and you are 1h in the dive, with TTS of 2h, beginning your ascent, the BO RMT will read 1h. That is if your stack time is the limiting factor and not for example the CNS. If you use tank pressure transmitters, then the oxygen pressure is also evaluated. If there is enough oxygen for the ascent and decompression, using metabolic rate of 1.6l/min. The diluent pressure is only checked for whether is not lower than set limit (eg. too deep descent with little diluent in cylinder).
Liberty 2.12.0 (5662)
3rd December 2019
New features
Error corrections
Decompression algorithm update
Prolonged no-deco times, now reflect true no-stop times.
Improved transition to deco mode, eliminated stop at 0m 0s.
Better planning with GF Low lower than 30%.
If you are unsure about GF setting, consult your diving instructor.
Helium sensor calibration
Helium sensor calibration has now multiple presets for the He sensor.
If the algorithm detects an out of range value ("Too low" message), it automatically switches to the next preset. Before starting the calibration, you can also cycle between the presets manually using lower button, although this should not be necessary as the best setting is chosen automatically.
Just wait until you see stable values, then start the calibration.
ppO2 limits
High ppO2 deco - used in CCR modes, in OC if off-gassing has already started (depth < decompression zone start).
High ppO2 bottom - used in OC dives at bottom and start of ascent phase.
You can find settings in "Setup / Mixtures / Max pO2 ...".
Above stop alarm
The alarm now has variable delay before triggering an actual haptic and visual warning.
Delay reflects the severity of depth violation (difference of stop depth and actual).
Delay ranges from 3s when 0.4m above stop depth, up to 15s when only 0.1m above.
Lower button function
The default display off function may become unwanted when diving with only one HS.
So the lower button function can be switched to scrolling between dive screens.
Relative HUD signalization
"Setup / Preferences / Indication / HUD ppO2"
The relative signalization uses almost the same signals as the time proven absolute ppO2 signalization.
With these two exceptions:
Helium blind plugs
When using He blind plugs instead of He sensors, set "Setup / Preferences / He measuring" to "Never". With measuring disabled, the predive check for helium sensors will show "Disabled in preferences" instead of error.
Liberty 2.11.3 (5657)
30th September 2019
Error corrections
Liberty 2.11.1 (5225)
12th March 2019
Error corrections
Liberty 2.11.0 (4787)
12th July 2018
New features
Error corrections
Bailout CCR mode
Bailout GF Handling
Prebreathe timer
Multiple users
PPO2 from He
Emergency O2 injection
Liberty 2.10.0 (4668)
31th May 2018
This version was not officially released, all changes are made public in next version.
Liberty 2.9.0 (4165)
25th May 2017
New features
Error corrections
Dive time termination
Liberty 2.8.2 (4097)
1st March 2017
New features
Liberty 2.8.1 (3961)
8th December 2016
New features
Liberty 2.8.0 (3890)
1st November 2016
!!! This version resets configuration to factory defaults !!!
New features
Error corrections
TTS screen details - Items to configure
TTS screen details - During dive, TTS screen shows several new values
Liberty 2.7.0 (3692)
9th June 2016
New features
Error corrections
Liberty 2.6 (3653)
9th May 2016
New features
Error corrections