In Bikini Atoll with CCR Liberty family


In August, 2024, I had the amazing opportunity to go on a diving trip to Bikini Atoll with the Liberty CCR family. The trip was organized by the Liberty Divers Club and run by Dirty Dozen Expeditions and was specifically for divers using the Liberty CCR. I signed up for the trip even though I didn't have much experience in wreck diving. However, the idea of exploring the wrecks, particularly the B17 Bomber around the world, had always intrigued me in a mysterious way. I made up my mind to dive the best wrecks in the world.

How I got started

I began my diving journey in 2017 after accepting an invitation from a colleague and quickly became passionate about it. I dived locally in Hong Kong every weekend and traveled overseas for diving almost every month. I was always looking for the best training and gear, and I was especially drawn to sidemount diving because it allowed for extended range and high individualization. As I progressed, I struggled with the weight and fit of multiple tanks. This led me to discover the Liberty sidemount CCR. I was drawn to it because of the user-friendly interface and DiveSoft’s education content. It helped ease my transition into the CCR world.

I fell in love with my Liberty sidemount, and have been ever since. It is reliable and has never failed me during critical training dives or remote trips. Its redundancy helped me to complete a deco obligation without urgent bailout, giving me ample time underwater to solve problems.

After three years of diving, I had accumulated about 230 dives, in a total of 280 hours. I felt ready to put it to good use.

As a woman in the tech diving community, I initially felt self-conscious and faced many unsolicited pieces of advice and comments. However, with time, I gained confidence and began to appreciate the privileges and support I had in pursuing my passion for diving.

Getting ready for Bikini

Preparing for the Bikini trip for me was a meticulous process, including completing a 60m trimix CCR course, advanced wreck diving training, and a 14-day diving trip to Chuuk as a warm-up. I spent time in Chuuk configuring my equipment to ensure optimal trim and buoyancy for navigating the wrecks in Bikini.

There was some banging around at the tight corner of the staircase in Chuuk, but the Liberty handled the roughness despite a few scratches and oil stains on the unit.

Packing for a remote trip with the full setup gear was never easy. I managed to utilize the two free 23kg bags of United Airlines, with each suitcase carrying the Liberty and SeaCraft GO DPV. All wrecks and batteries went into the carry-on and backpacks.

Yet I underestimated the logistics to Bikini, especially knowing I needed a visa for both Guam and the Marshall Islands as a Hong Kong passport holder. We needed to count stops with the "Island Hopper" and hoped our luggage arrived at the same spot.

But it was worth it when I landed in Kwajalein, the military base which led to Ebeye, a residential area. I learnt about the day-to-day life of a local Marshallese and enjoyed a beautiful stroll on the atoll.

Is Bikini worth it?

Many divers have asked me if diving in Bikini Atoll was worth it, considering the cost and logistical challenges. While it is indeed more expensive and less accessible than other diving destinations like Chuuk, the experience was absolutely worthwhile for me.

Bikini Atoll is like Chuuk 2.0, with amazing wildlife. It is shielded from currents and wakes, as Chuuk is, but it is better because it is also a sanctuary for juvenile sharks and rays, as well as many "economically important species" that have been hunted to extinction in many places.
The weather was amazing, with bright sunlight during the day and the clearest sky to see the moon and stars at night. We went on the Bikini Atoll for an archeological visit - it was surreal as the time froze the moment the lone watchman had to abandon the location.

Despite the smaller number of wrecks, the iconic sites in Bikini, such as the USS Saratoga, were incredibly well-preserved and held a vivid history that made the trip unforgettable. The dentist's, the sick bay and the dive locker live up to their fame.

Behind every iconic wide-angle shot is a photographer squeezed into a tight corner, striving to capture the whole room along with a seemingly effortless diver.

Another of my favorite wrecks is the IJN Nagato, which provides the most iconic studio shot. The illuminated double 16-inch guns at the bottom, the four propellers and two rudders on the top, make for an unforgettable Bikini Atoll postcard shot.

Diving alongside a diverse group of passionate wreck divers in a paradise-like location with rich history is truly exceptional.

So what's next for me?

I've checked the boxes of Chuuk and Bikini within a year. What's left? There are so many wrecks out there waiting for me - the Red Sea, Croatia, Malta, the Great Lakes, even the HMHS Britannic, and the list goes on.

This trip has energized and motivated me. It shows the possibilities of life and how rewarding it can be when we aim for something great, take calculated risks, and prepare with focus and intention.

I also want to share my passion and knowledge with others. After years of fun diving, I want to become an instructor and in the future, a tech instructor, so I can inspire more divers to pursue their passion and dreams.

I'm already looking forward to the next Liberty Divers Club trip and another epic journey as a team. Will you join me?

About the Author:

Dan Sun is a technical diver, sailor and titanium hardware seller based in Hong Kong. She writes about her experience pursuing ocean sports on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Photos: Jakub Slama, Aron Arngrimsson

Liberty Divers Club. Join a travel club of passionate rebreather divers who share a desire for an exciting underwater experience undertaken on the CCR Liberty platform.

Dirty Dozen Expeditions specializes in creating expertly curated technical diving itineraries that explore some of the most remote places on the planet.

Plan your decompression, gasses, utilize checklists, check your logs + more.

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