Hello, welcome to our 6th episode of CCR Liberty in Detail, in which Jakub presents the all important Liberty Scrubber and its various options. The Scrubber is a crucial component of the CCR Liberty rebreather removing the diver's exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) to allow the gas to enter the system again and is located between the head and frame of the unit.
Jakub describes the Liberty Radial type Scrubber and demonstrates the journey of the exhaled gas to the Head for further analysis. In addition, he also explains the three main reasons for the radial type Scrubber chosen for CCR Liberty, different sizes and their durations, scrubber cover, stack time and its easy monitoring with the Liberty control unit.
In the end, Jakub shows the ease of access to the Scrubber and filling procedure using Sofnolime 797 one step at a time, including safety features, packing, partially used scrubber.
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