How to travel with a rebreather

Traveling with a rebreather

In this episode, Jakub shares many practical tips and tricks on travelling with a rebreather and diving equipment.

To open things up, he first looks at how to transport the CCR by car, including rebreather before transport; transport security; a solid hard transport case option; gas leak from cylinders and how to avoid it; pre-dive checks; dry scrubber; heat and more. Afterwards, Jakub talks about travelling by small diving boats dealing with pre-dive preparation, transport security, "Splashing Water" and direct sunlight risks.

Later in the video, you will learn how to prepare yourself to get through the airport control and security checks. What to consider in terms of dive locations; carrying sorbents and MSDs documents; cylinders and labels; weight management. Jakub also explains how to pack your CCR to be able to protect CCR sensitive components. What the CCR Liberty passport is and what information is inside it. In the end, Jakub points out other helpful tips, including the dive and travel insurance, the equipment services, the travel checklist and the list of recommended spare parts.

Watch the video now! 🔻

Traveling with a Rebreather