Petr discovered diving in the mid-1990s thanks to Jan Kubrycht who taught him how to scuba dive. He was so excited that after only two days of basic training, he bought all his gear and decided to pursue diving more intensively. Petr became a diving instructor in 1998 and since then, has trained around 1,000 divers with various qualification levels of recreational and technical diving.

In 2006, Petr arranged the first diving expedition beyond the Arctic Circle and since, has visited the polar region of the White Sea, Barents Sea and north of the North Sea, sixteen times.

However, he also enjoys big adventures in his native land, Czechia, where he explores the waters of the Slapy Reservoir.

Petr is owner of a diving center Kapr Divers in Prague. In total, Petr has accomplished more than 6,500 dives. While he can’t remember all, he is thankful for the adventures he’s been able to experience.

Petra přivedl k potápění v polovině 90. let Honza Kubrycht, který ho naučil potápění s přístrojem. Chytlo ho to natolik, že si už dva dny po základním kurzu koupil kompletní výstroj a rozhodl se věnovat potápění intenzivněji. Petr Honzovi pomáhal s výcvikem a v roce 1998 se sám stal instruktorem potápění. Od té doby vyškolil okolo 1.000 potápěčů na různých kvalifikačních úrovních rekreačního i technického potápění. V roce 2006 uspořádal první potápěčskou expediční výpravu za polární kruh a od té doby se do polárních oblastí Bílého moře, Barentsova moře a severu Norského moře vypravil ještě šestnáctkrát. Nicméně spoustu dobrodružství zažil například i pod hladinou Slapské přehrady.

Petr je majitelem potápěčského centra Kapr Divers v Praze. Dosud uskutečnil více než 6.500 ponorů. A i když si mnohé z těch ponorů už nepamatuje, je rád za všechna ta nejrůznější dobrodružství, která zažil a o kterých se mu ani jako malému klukovi nesnilo.

Interview with Petr

What (or who) persuaded you to become a professional diver?

I started to scuba dive when I was at university and became a scuba instructor the same year I graduated from the faculty of sports and physical education. Although scuba diving was not part of my university focus, it very quickly became whatI primarily did for a living. Thanks to my instructor, Mr. Jan Kubrycht, I had plenty of opportunities to learn how to teach scuba diving, and he’s also the person who said to me one day in 1998, “I think, you’re ready to be an instructor.” That statement persuaded me to follow the path I’m still on.

Describe your biggest challenge when diving.

The biggest challenge is to be a full-time scuba instructor for more than 20 years in a country with no sea and where the average visibility in lakes and quarries is 2 meters. :D

Which diving achievement are you most proud of?

It is a nice feeling to achieve various professional levels, step by step; but what makes me really proud is to get a postcard from a student with the simple statement: “thank you, you showed me a new world.” Or to hear from the parents of kids I teach that their kids say they can skip any of their after school activities, but never a dive with Petr!

What was your first diving experience like?

A quarry, with 1.5 meter visibility, and literally one small bass; but I felt like I explored the moon. The first experience is always the strongest one. I still remember my very first dive, my first dive in the Red sea, my first wreck dive, my first ice dive in the arctic waters at the White sea, my first cave dive, my first orca and humpback, and even my first rebreather dive.

Why do you prefer rebreather?

It gives me many new possibilities to explore deeper water, stay longer on a wreck or in a cave, get closer to marine life (especially when I am filming) and of course, save money on helium.

What's your favorite diving gear?

I usually wear a lot of hi-tech/state-of-the-art/expensive equipment when I’m diving, but I love my stainless springs on fins.

What's your favorite diving spot?

I don’t have a single favorite one. Generally, I love cold water diving, I prefer remote places, untouched nature and with good friends by my side. Check and you will get a better understanding of what I love.


5. 7. 2019 DIVER

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A quick dip beneath the White Sea.